are you a corporate powerhouse who wants to leap into entrepreneurship?

break free from our culture’s toxic beliefs about climbing the corporate ladder, unfullfilling work, and pivot into purpose-led entrepreneurship.

It’s time to go after what you really want and launch your dream business without overwhelm and and a clear strategy to land your first five clients.

You landed what you thought was your dream career but now you want out and you want more.

✔ You want a life that actually feels as good on the inside as it looks on the outside. You’re done with faking it for the ‘gram, your family, and for yourself.

✔ The corporate stuffiness and politics just doesn’t work for you and your career goals.

✔You have so much to be grateful for and yet still don’t feel enough, secure or fulfilled.

✔ Maybe something big happened (cue the pandemic, existential crisis, unexpected illness, motherhood, a lay-off, or geting passed for a promotion that you know should’ve been yours) and you want to prioritize purpose and freedom in your work and in your life.

✔ You are feeling called to disrupt the status quo and reinvent yourself in a big way by starting your own business as the thought leader and subject matter expert that you are.

Does this sound like you?

Great. Keep reading.

If you want 1:1 support to help you transition out of your corporate career and design your dream business, this just may be the solution you’re looking for.

This is especially the case if the following excites you:

  • You like to work efficiently, flourish on momentum, and enjoy a VIP Day format. A 3 or 6 month program is not your vibe.

  • You prefer 1:1, personalized support over a group program.

  • You’re willing and wanting to go deeper than the fluffy mindset and positive self-talk most coaches talk about. #GoodVibesOnly is NOT going to help you clear out the blocks standing in your way #SorryNotSorry.

  • You want to work with someone who not only can support you with the strategy behind starting your dream business but also the inner identity work that most business coaches and strategists overlook (All thanks to my PhD in trauma therapy!)

Listen, I totally get it.

You didn’t think you would end up here.

You’ve done all the things and checked off all the boxes in hopes to one day have the career of your dreams.

AND you made it happen. You landed what you thought was your dream job.

But what’s the problem?

All of the things you expected to feel (security, sense of accomplishment, super-high confidence) either didn’t actually happen or didn’t last long enough.

Instead you’re feeling exhausted and anxious because of a toxic work environment and a lost sense of who you really are and what you want.

The overwhelm has been real, both mentally and physically. Like many burnt out women in corporate, you have been struggling with chronic fatigue, hormone imbalances, hair loss, and maybe even a few big health scares.

It’s been real. Trust me, I know. Been there, done that.

On top of that, your kids, your partner, and the people you love most miss you. Not the stressed out and overwhelmed version of you but the real you. The you that you haven’t really had a chance to be anymore.

I’m sure you also miss the real you too.

But you’ve had enough.

You’ve been gearing up for your exit strategy and your next move, which does NOT include getting another job at another established company or at a start-up.

You’re stepping all the way out to lead the way you truly want to and finally be your own BOSS.

It’s time to leave that toxic work culture behind, fully take on the identity of the purpose driven entrepreneur you are, and set up your dream business.

You are done subscribing to the exhausting version of success.

ⓧ Sacrificing your sanity for the sake of your career and going along with other people’s plans for you and your future.

ⓧ Keeping your business dreams on the hush because you worry people will judge or think you’re crazy for leaving your “successful” career behind.

ⓧ Ignoring your intuition even when it’s literally screaming at you telling you that something is off.

ⓧ Trying to cover up your lack of fulfillment with meditation, therapy, stress suppressing supplements, and all the productivity boosting gadgets (not because they don’t work but because you’re beyond coping skills. You need readical change.)

You now want a self-aligned, feel-good version of success.

✔ Working in a way that aligns with your energy, creativity, and your purpose.

✔ Allowing yourself to experience joy, rest, and connection with those you love.

✔ Designing a business with a flexible schedule that fits your lifestyle, clients that you love to work with, and no cap on your income.

✔ Being led by your mind, body, and spirit towards creating a life that energetically feels good to you and truly embodies what you want for yourself. .

✔ Making real lifestyle changes like setting strong boundaries, revisiting your daily routines, and deeply grounding your life and your business in your true values.

I know you’ve been thinking about starting your own business but you’re not fully sure how to get started, what you would offer, or how to clear some of the mental roadblocks in your way.

And let’s keep it real here, with everything you have going on, you don’t really have the time to be stressing out about all this right now.

Here’s the deal. You already have most of what it takes to get started.

✔Top-tier skill set.


✔ Successful track record.

✔ And readiness. (It’s okay if there’s a small part of you telling you you’re not. We’ll work on that together).

What you need now is a clear business strategy with an entrepreneur mindset to match.

Luckily for you, that’s where my magic is.

Together we can make this happen in a way that saves you overwhelm, analysis paralysis, and time.

Here’s my 3 Step Process To Support You in Your Transition From Employee to Entrepreneur


You will ditch the overwhelm by getting clear on what you really want by starting your own business. You will also You will also understand the values that you wish to center your life and business structure around for your vision to truly aligns with your goals.


You will learn trauma-informed skills to help you uncover and release your top-rated fear that is blocking you from your entrepreneurial launch. This is one of the most important steps in the journey to entrepreneur that many people skip over and regret it later.


You will leave this VIP DAY having clearly identified your dream client, your business offer, and program promise. You will also create a marketing plan to ensure you land your first 5 clients.

Introducing Pivot to Purpose.

A VIP Day for the career-focused employee wishing to pivot into a purpose-led entrepreneur.

Pivot to Purpose will help you redefine success so that your goals are aligned with who you truly are and really want, and not based off of societal structures and cultural messaging. You will leave our day together completely transformed and ready to launch your dream business and live a life that you love.


This VIP Day is for you if you want to feel:

✔ excited about redefining who you are at your core and how you really want to show up in the world.

✔ confident about your ability to transition from employee to entrepreneur.

✔ clarity about your ideal client, business offer, and business structure


✔ And finally launch your new business so that you can work with aligned clients offering the service you felt called to create.

✔ enjoy this new, more authentic version of yourself and decide how you want to share that with those you love.

✔ no longer fill up your days with endless anxiety and overwhelm about what to do next because you know exactly what you need to do.

VIP DAY Timeline

  • Clarity around your values, goals, and vision.

  • Identify and release inner blocks that are costing you mentally, emotionally, financially, and in your relationships.

  • Ideal Client Avatar, Crafting Program Offer, Program Promise.

What does a purpose-led business REALLY look like?

(I’m so happy you asked…)


So much of what you’ve sought after in your career has been based off of what others have wanted for you or what you once wanted for yourself. This is how you finally reclaim your life and follow your true dreams.


Long gone are the days where you have to sacrifice everything and everyone you love for a job. Priorities are shifting (Cue The Great Re-Awakening, I mean Resignation*). You no longer want to be too tired or too busy to enjoy the things and people you love.


So much of your energy goes into thinking, learning, and achieving. While your intellect has been running the show, you haven’t been able to make space for your creativity. You have creative ideas and dreams but have always pushed them aside. You don’t need to do that anymore.

putting yourself first

Your career has come first for a long time and I know that you’ve been putting the needs of others before your own and leaving yourself last on your list of priorities. Too may women get lost in care-taking and people-pleasing. But that ends today.

Creating a legacy

This transformation is for you and no one else. But that’s just where it starts. When one woman steps into her own power, she inspires and motivates another to do the same. The world needs to see more and more women deliberately living their lives the way that they so desperately want to without asking permission for it.

That’s the power that this moment in time has for you and for all of us together.

A Step towards liberation

By now you know that the once coveted 6 figure salary doesn’t cut it anymore. Starting a business is the real path towards creating generational wealth and breaking generational barriers. It’s a movement towards liberation for you, your family, and the communities you proudly are a part of.

Hi, I’m Dr. Minerva!

and I’ve been where you are.

I did all of the things to land my dream job searching for happiness, fullfillment, and worthiness and it did not turn out that way.

I struggled with feeling overwhelmed with uncertainty and endless questions about the purpose of my work and the direction of my life.

Should I quit this job? Will my family and friends understand? What type of work will make me happy? Am I crazy for wanting to start a business? Who will actually hire me?

I get it. I really do.

I also know what it’s like on the other side. To take the risk. To quit the job. To completely pivot. To start the business. To be grounded in my vision and in my purpose so that I can create a life and business centered on what I love and how I want to lead my life.

And if you want to, you can do it too.

About Me

As a clinically trained trauma therapist, life and business coach, I’ve spent over a decade helping women go after what they really want in life, no matter what.

In my work, I have seen one recurrent problem: Women don’t show up the way that they really want to in this world. It doesn’t matter how smart, driven, or accomplished they are.  

They get discouraged not only by the external voices of the world, but also because of the self-doubt within themselves.

From overcoming childhood trauma, breaking self- destructive sabotaging behaviors in life and business, and fully claiming their power, I’ve been able to support and guide hundreds of smart and passionate women to create a life they truly love and feel good about.

I really believe that women were meant to change the world, and together, we can change yours.

Cheers to new dreams. To saying yes to you. To giving yourself permission to pivot to purpose.


Maria Diaz LMHC, CEO of Maria Diaz LLC

Diandra Sinclair, CEO of 14-7 Admin

The Pivot to Purpose VIP DAY.

The Pivot to Purpose VIP DAY.

What is this VIP DAY in a nutshell?

  • It’s a VIP Day for you to plan out your entire business plan in the following order.

    1. Laser focus on your vision, values, and goals.

    2. Identify and clear out biggest mindset blocks and unconscious programming that are keeping you stuck.

    3. Nail your ideal client, business structure, and business offer.

Who is this VIP Day right for?

  • Women in corporate and leadership who want to quit and start their own business. (Directors, Lawyers, Doctors, Nurses, C-Suite, other executives, teachers, and other educators.) If you’re not sure if you’re a right fit, just ask!

  • Includes those recently laid off or who have already quit.

  • Also for newer entrepreneurs (under 3 years) who need to reset and revisit the foundation of their business, ideal client, and business offerings either because they feel overwhelmed or are pivoting into a new business.

I want you to know that….

The Pivot to Purpose VIP DAY is a very strategic, purposeful and momentum-oriented day.

I’ve combined my clinical expertise supporting over-worked women with my ability to strategize with entrepreneurs who want to finally take their business dreams from ideation to reality.

This container is truly special to me and it is application based only to make sure this container is a good fit for both of us.

If yes, you will be invited to a special chat with me where we can discuss investment and payment options.

I want to be clear that while the investment amount is important, being the right fit for this program is the determining factor.

If you know that this is for you and are ready to apply, I can’t wait to meet you and work together in The Pivot to Purpose VIP Day.

Let’s imagine where your life and business could be in 6 months if you join the Pivot to Purpose VIP DAY.

It’s Sunday night and you’re sitting cozy in your comfy couch and…

✔ You’re no longer overwhelmed with anxiety, confusion, or sheer dread about your work or where your career and business is headed in the next year.

✔ You feel confident after implementing the trauma-informed skills you learned in our VIP Day to help you navigate imposter syndrome, your fear of success, and perfectionism in ways that feel realistic and long-lasting.

✔ You’ve gotten better at setting clear boundaries because you know this is a crucial task to master as it will be a life-long practice in life and in business.

✔ You feel proud of yourself for not just talking about what you want but actually taking the actions that have led you to feel rejuvenated and excited about your gifts to the world and future clients.

✔ You’re enjoying increased confidence as you work with your ideal client after developing a clear business offer, program promise, and marketing strategy.

That sounds nice, doesn’t it? I know.

Ok… you have questions.

  • Yes, yes and yes! You don’t need to know exactly when you want to quit your job. Knowing that you want to quit and start your own business is all you need to get started.

  • No, you can choose what hours you want to work. You can work a few hours, as a side-hustle, or go full-time. Fully up to you.

  • No, it’s not. If you have no desire to leave your job, whether it’s now, a few months, or a few years, this program is not for you. This is for people who are past wanting to cope. They know that they want to quit their job at some point and become entrepreneurs.

  • That’s not an option for this VIP Day.

    Trust me when I say that ALL OF YOUR STUFF comes up in entrepreneurship. You might feel ready and confident enough in your skill-set in your career right now, but once you start really working through your business plan and marketing, some limiting beliefs will certainly come up.

    No one is exempt from this.

  • This structure is ideal for women who don’t want to prolong the transformation that they can experience after ONE day working together and are super eager to launch their business.

    A VIP DAY is also ideal for those who lose momentum in 3,6, and 9 month programs. We all know that life starts life-ing, you can fall behind, and then you don’t get the results you wanted and your money goes down the drain.

  • The link to apply is here. Can’ wait to meet you!